Webhooks enable clients to receive event specific data to a designated URL. The request made can be authenticated using Basic, Bearer or no auth.

Event TypeTriggered OnEvent Details
CallbackCompletion of VerificationCallback details associated with a completed verification.
Biopass User ProvisioningCompletion of Verification - Verification Proofing Status should be PASSOn successful verification completeion, details associated with provisioning a Biopass user.

Setting Up a Webhook

Step 1: Login to the Client Portal

The client portal URL uses the following naming convention:


tenant-alias is the company alias you used when you underwent the onboarding process.

region is the region you used when you underwent the onboarding process.

*currently only available regions are au (Australia) and eu (Europe).

Step 2: Navigate to the Integrations Page

Step 3 Navigate to the Webhooks Section

Step 4a Add New Webhook

Update Webhook Name with a name describing the webhook.

Update Webhook URL with the URL where you wish to receive wehbook events. All request will be made as a POST call.

Step 4b (optional but recommended) Update Authentication

Turn on Protect Webhook URL with Authentication to secure calls made to your url.

The Authentication methods allowed are BASIC and BEARER.

For Basic authentication, the Auth Token must be a base64 encoded string representing the username and password associated using a username:password schema.

For Example, a URL secured with Basic auth with,

Username: BVzOhEugNWnsn3Rl25q4

Password: 352f9d49e7fd1f78398619fafadb17fbc1c1274650dffe75277fdeecc94e6623

Will result in a auth token of


For Bearer authentication, the Auth Token must be the bearer token required for authentication.

Step 4c Select Events to Receive

Note: One webhook can be configured to send only one type of event. To send multiple events to the same URL, please configure multiple webhooks with same url configuration.