KYC Portal

The KYC portal is the online platform we've designed for customers that want a user-friendly interface that allows them to configure the product, add users, send verifications and track the progress of their verifications.

The KYC portal is organise in two main sections:

  • Product Overview, containing the main features to use the product
  • Account Overview, containing main features to manage your account

Key features of the KYC Portal:

  • Verifications

    You can find Verification under Product Overview. This is the section of the portal where you can send and monitor the status of the verifications. You will be able to view the verifications list, search for a particular verification using the different filtering methods and see the verification details of an individual verification. You can also send invites (using both create and send method) and delete verifications.
    As an administrator you will be able to see all submitted verifications. However, as an agent, you will only be able to see the ones you have sent yourself.
    A verification can have the following status:
    • New: KYC request has been sent but customer has not yet started ID process.
    • In Progress: Customer has started ID process but not finished.
    • Processing: Customer has finished ID process and results are being processed by our services (eg. OCR, verification checks taking place). Verification Details are not visible in this status.
    • Complete - Reports Pending: The verification has completed processing, but there are post-verification reports that are still being generated. Verification Details are visible in this status but reports are still being generated.
    • Done: All reports are available and verification is complete.
  • Plan

    This section it's only visible for the administrator and it can be found under Product Overview. Here you can see your current plan and change plans at any point of time. Available KYC plans are:
    • Free trial: Try the KYC product for 2 weeks. Once you've used your free trial, you will be requested to moved to a paid plan.
    • Foundation plan: Ideal for verifying identity of mass market retail customers
    • Professional plan: Verify customers for financial services
    • Full Service plan: Verify employees
      For more information around the KYC plans, please visit KYC Plans.
  • User management

    You can find User Management under Account Overview. In this section you'll be able to create, view, update, activate/ deactivate and delete users.
  • Account Details

    This section it's only visible for the administrator and it can be found under Account Overview. Here you can see the status of your tenant (Active,Awaiting Payment details, Cancelled) and the tenant and owner information.
  • Billing & Payment

    This section it's only visible for the administrator and it can be found under Account Overview. Here you can view and update your billing information. You will need to add your credit card details here when onboarding to activate your tenancy.