
The 'verifications' page of the portal is used to review the status of all invitations to your users, and allows you to drill into the details of those completed to see the results of the checks.

Initial list screen and advanced filter search

The verifications page shows all verifications that have been sent to your users, unless they have been deleted according to your data retention rules.

The advanced filter allows you to filter on a range of variables, and the search allows further narrowing of criteria to find a particular verification record.

Overall verification result

When a verification is completed, in a "Done" status, an overall verification result will be provided. A verification can be used for one or multiple proofing types.
Identity proofing is the most common proofing type. When a user is sent an identity proofing verification an overall Identity verification result will be provided.
For scenarios in which multiple proofing types are configured (e.g.: Identity proofing and Address proofing), a user will receive a unique verification in which they will be requested to provide documents for Identity proofing as well as for Address Proofing. When the verification is done, two verification results will be provided.

A verification is given one of three different results for each proofing type:

  • Pass

    When all the checks configured in the verification have a Pass result, the overall result will be Approved.
  • Warning

    When one of the checks configured in the verification has a Warning result, the overall verification will be Warning.
  • Fail

    When one or many checks configured have a Fail result, the overall result will be Rejected.

The overall verification result is a summary of all the underlying individual checks configured within the proofing type. The basic check features to be used are configurable by customers and they can be switch on/off depending on the use case. The truuth support team can provide more additional configuration for more advanced use cases - please contact us at [email protected] for more information and support to understand what is possible and have it set up in your free trial or paid plan.

Proofing Types

The basic configuration provided for a new tenant is for proofing type 'Identity proofing' that is provided in every verification. This proofing type involves steps to prove a users identity such as checking an identity document and matching a selfie image against a photo ID document.

The truuth verification platform can add other proofing type results to your verification that validate other use cases. These use cases have a wide variety of flexibility and can be configured immediately upon request by the truuth team ([email protected]) for you. Examples provided to current clients include:

  • capturing other address documents such as utility bill or bank statement to provide a valid current address
  • capturing car registration documents to provide a valid registration document in identity owners name

When the verification is processed each proofing type has a verification result provided (so a user may have a 'Pass' for identity verification but a 'Fail' or 'Warning' for current address proofing).

Any of your use cases for document validation can be configured

The basic configuration provided for a new tenant is for proofing type 'Identity proofing' for a single identity document that is commonly used in your jurisdiction such as a passport or driving licence.

The truuth solution is highly flexible with its configuration abilities to support any possible use case involving any number of documents and combinations (see our supported document range below). For example some clients have rules similar to the '100 points of ID' where the number of documents required depends dynamically on the selections a client makes which may mean 2 documents may be sufficient, but sometimes three or four may be required and a photo ID must always be provided.

Contact [email protected] to have a truuth customer success manager contact you to setup. Typically within 24 hours your use case will be setup in your system for you to try.

Individual check results

Checks are displayed in two main categories: User checks and Document checks (run for each document your user provides).

User Checks

User checks are user behaviour checks. Here the list:

  • Terms & Conditions:
    Checks if user has accepted terms and conditions. If user declines the T&Cs, submission is completed and verification is automatically Rejected as this is a must to continue with the verification.
  • Liveness
    Runs a liveness check to confirm the user is an actual person. This is an optional check that can have three possible results: Pass, Warning and Fail.
  • Document submission
    Checks if the user has provided all documents that meet the framework requirements. This is a mandatory check that can have two possible results: Pass and Fail.

Document Checks

Document checks are checks that are applied to the scanned document. Here the list:

  • Date of Birth Match
    Compares the Date of Birth in any subsequent document to the DOB in the primary document. This is a mandatory check when multiple documents are provided by a user that can have three possible results: Pass, Fail and Not Performed.
  • Expiry Check
    Checks if the document is expired or still current on the submission date. This is a mandatory check that can have three possible results: Pass, Fail and Not Performed.
  • Data Edit check
    Checks if the user has edited significant amounts of data. This is an optional check that can have four possible results: Pass, Warning, Fail and Not Performed.
  • Allowed document
    Checks if the scanned document matches the 'allowed documents' defined by the tenant in their framework. This is a mandatory check that can have two possible results: Pass and Fail.
  • Name Match check
    Compares the names in any subsequent document to the names in the primary document. This is a mandatory check that can have three possible results: Pass, Fail and Not Performed.
  • Authenticity Check
    Performs multiple tests of ID document
    authenticity to check if the document is authentic. This is an optional check that can have four possible results: Pass, Warning, Fail and Not Performed. Authenticity check is a summary of underlying authenticity sub checks:
    • Text features
      This check verifies the presence of important text features specific to each ID document.
    • Black and White check
      This check returns the probability of the ID document is not a black and white photocopy.
    • Expiry check
      This check returns a score on whether the ID document has expired.
    • Photo substitution check
      This check returns the probability an ID document has not been falsified via photo substitution.
    • MRZ Check
      This check returns a score indicating whether the Machine Readable Zone (MRZ) has been falsified.
  • Official source check
    Checks against government databases where available. This is an optional check that can have three possible results: Pass, Fail and Not Performed.
  • Face Match
    Matches the picture taken of the user to the face from the photo ID document. This is an optional check that can have four possible results: Pass, Warning, Fail and Not Performed.

Further user validation Reports

Besides the Overall Verification result, a verification might have different reports attached to it providing further validations about a user that are not part of the proofing type result itself - rather they are post processing checks that are performed in addition. The following additional check reports are available as addons:

  • PEP & Sanction
    Checks the user’s identity against global Politically Exposed Persons and Sanctions lists. This is an optional check that can have two possible outcomes: Match and No Match.
  • Company Enquiry Report
    Checks company details match official records. This is an optional check that can have two possible outcomes: Ready and ACN Not Provided.

Manual verification

Manual verification is one of the add on services offered in the paid plans that offers a human review of KYC verification checks. When enabling this add on, you can define the proportionate volume of verifications you want to be manually reviewed by one of the Truuth teams manual verifiers.
If you want to include this add on to your current plan, please contact your customer success manager or send an email to [email protected]