Subscription Billing & Payment methods

Subscription Billing

Subscriptions in Truuth KYC are billed monthly. If you need a different billing cycle, please contact [email protected]

Your bill will be generated with the information provided when onboarding. To update your billing information, go to the menu on the left corner and select Billing & Payment tab on Account Overview.

Payment method

Credit card is the main payment method for our customers. This is the default payment method for all our customers and it’s a mandatory step on the onboarding journey. When no payment details have been provided, the subscription status will be
AWAITING PAYMENT DETAILS and key functionality will be disabled till payment method is provided.

For other payment methods please contact [email protected]

Free trial clients

Free trial clients payment details collection doesn’t differ from the paid plans customers. Free trial clients will need to provide payment details in order to complete their onboarding journey. No charges will apply until moving to paid plan.